Monday, August 22, 2011


I survived the first day of classes. Only to do it all over again tomorrow. Today I had Plant Pathology, all about diseases, Chemistry, Botany, and Entomology, all about bugs. I can't believe I am going to say this, because I know it will not be true in a couple weeks, but I am excited to start the homework and get back in the swing of things again. For some reason it is always fun to think about school and all that it offers and everything you have to do. The hectic schedules and desperately trying to get that paper that was assigned to you months ago, and just started working on last week, done. Every school year, you always tell yourself, 'I'm going to read every week, and get everything done in a timely fashion.' That only holds true for the first 2 weeks, if that. I'm ready to do this again...

So here's to a new school year!

Photos via Pinterest

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I truely enjoy reading these comments! Being a young gardener I'll take anything I can get! Advice, suggestions, whatever!