Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wishing for Fall

 I am ready for fall. I am tired of this 90 degree weather. Bring on the cold and the rain. I love how dark the sky always looks, the changing leaves and the wind. It is my favorite season and I am ready for it right now.

 I am growing pumpkins here in Pullman. I hope I get a couple, because I really want to do this to them. Love love love lace.
 And all that glitters.

 I miss the fog at home that Pullman doesn't get.

 This pretty much sums it up.

 Photos from Pinterest


  1. I am also looking forward to fall. I like your autumn photos...makes me wish for it even more.

  2. I love those pumkins..wonderful idea and thanks for sharing them..I just have to do the same..
    Love your house...
    ~Shirley ( who needs some cool air too)!


I truely enjoy reading these comments! Being a young gardener I'll take anything I can get! Advice, suggestions, whatever!